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Services Offered

Individual Therapy

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Grief & Loneliness

  • Childhood Trauma & PTSD

  • Impulse Control Issues

  • General worry and stress

  • Dependency

  • Conflict Management & Assertiveness training

  •  Emotional Regulation


  • Emotional Regulation & Awareness

  • Empathy

  • Parenting

  • Communication

  • Conflict Management

  • Intimate Relationship Building

  • Pattern Assessment

  • Child Development

Couples Therapy

  • Infidelity

  • Sexual Intimacy Issues & concerns

  • Co-dependency

  • Communication

  • Intimate Partner Violence / Intimate Terrorism

  • Pre-marital therapy

  • In-law concerns

  • Divorce

  • Prepare-Enrich Assessment


  • Effective child rearing stratergies

  • Dealing with negative child/adolescent behaviour

  • Joint Parenting Stratergies

  • Coparenting Concerns

  • Understanding changing concerns related to children

  • Addictions relating to children

  • Conduct related concerns

  • Positive and negative reinforcement

  • Parent – Child Relational Problems

Family Therapy

  • Multi-systemic Therapy

  • Trans-generational Therapy

  • Developing healthy boundaries

  • Loss & Grief  

  • Conflicts between siblings

  • Play Therapy and Parent Child Interactive Therapy

Sex & Intimacy

  • Sexual Desire/Arousal concerns

  • Sexual Expectations

  • Emotional, mental & physical components related to sex and intimacy

  • Sex Education

  • Issues relating to gender identity

  • Hypersexual disorder

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